what is ipv6?

IPv6 is a new generation of Internet Protocol standard that was established since 1994. IPv6 addresses have a combination of as many as 2 ^ 64 ^ 6, enough to give every person in this world with a unique IP address. This allows each household to obtain the IP address of each. In addition, IPv6 also has better security features than IPv4. IPv6 network structure is more flexible than the current structure, because each point can allocate the address of each.

Why IPv6 is important?

Trends in the Internet today is the increase in connections that are always available (always on), increase in equipment that uses IP addresses, IP addresses need for public / global, and reduced connection fees. This trend will result in the IP address the crisis, which then resolved with IPv6 technology.
As a brief illustration, if each household can have an IP address of each and participate in a secure communications, then open business opportunities for many types of new services. The implementation of IPv6 technology in the equipment will not experience serious obstacles, because IPv6 is the result of development of IPv4 technology that has been used since the 1980s.

Japan's electronics industry are faced with three challenges: the Internet service will not provide IPv6 services before there are enough applications and users; manufacturers of electronic goods do not want to make products compatible with IPv6 without adequate coverage and users, and end users will not use this technology if expensive .

The three challenges are creating a chicken and egg situation. Each of these depend on each other. To break the cycle, then some of the initiative to implement IPv6 began intensively conducted. One such initiative is the implementation of IPv6 on the network at ITB.

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